CORE Referral & Information Gathering
The CORE Team meets weekly to discuss students who are struggling and have been referred to this Level 2 Intervention by classroom teachers. After the initial CORE meeting, and depending on the nature of the concern, either an Initial Plan of Action will be shared with teachers, or an SBTM will be scheduled and teachers will be invited to attend.
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The information collected through this survey will be used to determine students in need of intervention.  You may be contacted for additional information about a referred student if/when they are discussed at a weekly CORE meeting.  
Please enter YOUR name below. *
In the space below, please enter the name of the STUDENT that you would like to refer to the CORE team. *
Note:  If you have concerns about more than one student, please complete and submit this form for each student.
Does this student identify as Aboriginal? *
What is the student's current %, letter grade, or proficiency level in your course? *
What is the student's current effort in your course? *
A CORE Referral is a Level 2 Intervention.  What Level 1 supports and interventions have you already implemented to support this student?   *
Beyond regular reporting (interims and report cards), have you contacted parents to discuss your concerns?  Please note the date of contact below.
Briefly outline the parent's response. *
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