Fall Contra Volunteer Form
Fall Contra is here and we need some helping hands!

All of the "work" for Contra primarily requires being friendly, keeping an eye on snacks/water/tending the fire, and helping folks feel comfortable in the space! Each shift is only 90 minutes, and we invite you to enjoy the event for the rest of your time.

Rough overview of shifts and tasks:

Saturday, October 26
Set-up shift (4-5:30pm): set up snacks and lights, sweep pavilion, greet musicians and early visitors
Welcome table (5:30-7pm): greet visitors, keep an eye on snack table and water  
Clean-up (7-8:30pm): help musicians break down equipment, clean up snacks
Photography (anytime from 5-8pm): take pictures of guests, dancing, and the farm. Keep in mind that it will get dark, so an earlier shift might be better for photos!
Thank you so much for helping out :)

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