Parent Consent, Transportation & Photo and Liability Waiver
Open Community Hours are for youth who are in or entering 4th - 12th grade if they enter without supervision. 3rd grade and younger children must be under the supervision of a caregiver assigned by the parent/guardian.

CornerStone staff and volunteers are not responsible for when and if youth enter and leave the building. It is assumed that youth are responsible to understand parent/guardian expectations. Check-in and check-out is solely for our reporting and tracking purposes. Please read the Policies & Procedures Manual located in the last session. 

Ways to stay current on events & updates 1.) Join the Remind App: Text this message: @frazee300 to 81010  2.) Follow us on Facebook: CornerStone: Frazee Community and Youth Center  3.) Check the website: 4.) subscribe to our mailing 5.) Stop on in and visit anytime!

Please submit one response for each child.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Check here, if your child will be attending the YES Network Program this summer (June & July)? (Kindergarten through 8th graders welcomed! FREE programming) 
Youth First Name *
Youth Last Name *
Youth Birthdate *
Youth Cell Phone Number (if applicable)
Youth Email (if applicable)
Mailing Address
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone *
Parent/Guardian 2 First Name (optional)
Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name (optional)
Parent/Guardian 2 Email (optional)
Parent/Guardian 2 Phone (optional)
Emergency Contact if parent/guardian cannot be reached: *
Emergency Contact Relationship to Youth:
Emergency Contact Phone: *
Are there any medical allergies, medications, or other concerns that we should be aware of? Note: we will not administer medications to youth. If special circumstances are necessary, please contact CornerStone staff directly. *
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