Security Token Offerings (STOs): Keys of Success from Investors' Perspective
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This Survey aims to investigate the motives for investing in Security Token Offerings (STOs) from investors' perspectives. The survey is conducted for academic purposes, no financial reward implications exist in this work.
This survey is anonymous, you will not be able to be identified or identifiable in any reports or publications.
Taking part in this survey is completely voluntary. You are free to withdraw at any time without providing any reason. Regarding the significance of the topic, the results of this survey will be communicated to interested participants at a later point. 
This survey will take an estimated 6 to 8 minutes in maximum.
Thank you for your valuable participation.
P.S.: This survey contains credits to get free survey responses at and
This survey is aimed at Security Token Offerings investors. Did you invest in STOs at least one time? 
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