Checkpoint Education - enrol for classes
Hi! Thanks for showing interest in Checkpoint. We're offering a free trial for your first lesson of Sem 1 2024 with us in both Methods and Specialist. Absolutely zero lock-in contract and we'll only ask for your payment details, after the trial, if you'd like to continue lessons with us. You'll get a copy of the first week's worksheet to keep as well, on us, if you show up! After you fill out this form, we'll get back to you to discuss lesson times. Hope to see you there!

Let's start with your personal email address.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Gender *
What school do you go to? *
We'll need you and your parents' contact details.
We'll only use these details to contact you unless you give permission otherwise.
Parent's name *
Your Gmail/Google Account
We use Google Classroom to share booklets and meeting links. If you use a non-Gmail email, indicate your Gmail email account down below so we can invite you to the classroom!
Personal phone number *
Parent email address *
Parent phone number *
Would you like to receive emails from our newsletter? *
If so, indicate the kinds of information you think we should put out
Which subject/s would you like to enrol in (for 2024)? *
Your first lesson in each subject will be free.
How would you describe yourself? *
How are you currently doing at school? *
Please include your current maths marks
What are the most common ways you lose marks? *
You can choose multiple
Anything else you'd like us to know about you?
How did you hear about us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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