NextG Channel Model Alliance: 2023 Working Group Survey
The NextG Channel Model Alliance wants to solicit input from participants to better understand the goals, priorities, and research activities that would provide value to your research. Please complete the survey below to inform the development of work products and discussion topics for upcoming meetings.

Contact Marc Leh ( or Miller Higgins ( with any questions or comments.
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Name *
Organization *
Email *
Research Targets
How could the NextG Channel Model Alliance provide value to your research? What measurement and modeling activities should this group prioritize in 2021-2022?
Current or Planned Research Activities
What topics are you interested in to increase awareness, exchange ideas, and/or collaborate with other participants on your work? What measurement and/or modeling activities do you plan to complete in 2021-2022 (specific frequency bands, environments, use cases that you intend to research)?
Datasets to Contribute
What existing measurement, modeling, or other datasets would you be willing to share on the data repository? (link:
New Data Types, Models, Features
What new scenarios, models, and/or software functionality should we consider implementing in the data repository? (link:
New Participants
Who could benefit from participating in this working group, mailing list, and data sharing platform?  You are welcome to provide contact information for your colleagues if appropriate.
Presentation / Discussion Topics
What topics would you like to discuss during upcoming working group meetings?  Would you be interested in leading a presentation on a specific topic?
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