STUDENTS’ FEEDBACK, Hatichong College, Hatichong, Nagaon
This questionnaire is intended to collect information relating to your satisfaction towards facilities and services provided for creating conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning. The information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be used as important feedback for quality improvement of the programme of studies/institution.

      For each item please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following statement by choosing  a score between 1 and 5.
   (1 – strongly agree , 2 - agree, 3 – not sure, 4 – disagree, 5 – strongly disagree)
1. Your Name *
2. Semester *
3. Roll No *
4. Gender *
5. Department *
6. Contact No (Whatsapp No) *
7. The prescribed books/reading materials are available in the library. *
8. Reading room and common room are available in the faculty/college *
9. Available reading space in library/seminar hall is satisfactory. *
10. The library and staff are cooperative and helpful. *
11. Photocopying facility in the college is available and satisfactory. *
12. Internet facilities are available in the college. *
13. Online educational resources are available and accessible. *
14. The office staff in the college are helpful. *
15. Results and attendance records are displayed on time. *
16. Toilets/washrooms are hygienic and properly maintained. *
17. Clean drinking water is available in the department and on the campus.       *
18. Grievances/problems are redressed/solved well in time. *
19. The functioning of the counseling cell(s) in the college is satisfactory. *
20. The campus is green and eco friendly. *
21. The buildings/classrooms are accessible to differently abled persons. *
22. The classrooms are clean and well maintained. *
23. The campus has adequate power supply. *
24. Your Suggestions (Please try to write point-wise) *
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