GCJ2 Alumni Outreach
Being a Brookwood Alumni is an aspect of being a Mustang that will forever bond you to the Brookwood Family. We ask that all of our Brookwood Alumni fill out the following form to be included in special emails during the school year that will include school and community events and special messages for our alumni from the Genoa City Joint 2 School District. We are excited that you are interested in being a part of our Alumni Outreach Program and if you have additional questions about it, please reach out to Helen Xiong at Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
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First and Last Name *
Email address *
Please re-confirm email address *
Would you be interested in being on our list of volunteers for various school and/or community events? *
If yes, how would you like to be contacted
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If by phone, please enter your phone number
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