OVI Stud Interest Form
Please fill out this form if you are interested in utilizing Ovi as a stud for your litter. Our current stud fee is $1000 but we are open to pick of the litter or a per live puppy rate. We offer boarding of females for a per day rate for out of town breeders.
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Email *
Your Name *
Phone Number *
Breed of you dog *
Payment Structure *
Is your dog currently in heat? *
What day of this heat is she currently on OR when do you expect her heat to begin? *
Will you or have you done progesterone testing on your dog to determine ideal days to breed? *
How many breeding sessions do you want to arrange with OVI during this heat? *
Breeding Experience: We want to ensure that all of Ovi's puppies thrive and want to be there to advise new breeders.  *
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