HATW Shop Volunteers
You're interested in helping out in the shop? That's awesome! If you could fill in this form so we can get to know you a lil bit, it can be our first step on the process
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What's your name? *
How old are you? *
Please be aware that we'll only be able to accept volunteers over the age of 18 at the moment; sorry!
Where do you live? *
Please be aware that the shop is in the centre of Cardiff, so you'll need to be able to get to and from the shop
What days ARE you available and could commit to helping us out? *
We're open 10-5, Monday - Saturday, so ideally we'd be looking for someone who can commit to one full day on a regular basis
Have you got any previous experience working in retail? If so, where have you worked?
How confident would you feel supporting someone who came in needing to chat about their mental health? *
We're there to sell merch, but also there for people to stop by and have a chat about their mental health if they need it - so if you're in the shop, there's a chance you'll end up supporting someone who comes in.
Let us know the best way to contact you below - either leave your email address or phone number *
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