CPCE Registration Interest for fall and spring
After candidates complete this interest survey please proceed with step 1 of the directions provided. Remember the testing director will look for your name in their CCE portal for approval to test on Fridays of each week leading up to testing.   If testing on campus you MUST test in our provided testing window and if testing off site or at home the CPCE must be taken in September (September 9-20, 2024) or March (March 10-21, 2025) (preferably by the 20th of the given month to ensure receipt of test scores in October and April respectively).
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Name (first and last) *
I plan to graduate in  *
NCCU Email *
My counseling track/major is (check all that apply) *
I understand the fee structure for the CPCE ($75 on campus and $150 if I take it at home or close to home at a Pearson VUE testing center)?
I am taking the CPCE  *
I understand if I am testing at NCCU I will need to call the NCCU Testing Center to schedule a date and time for testing that falls within the provided window (September 9-20, 2024 or March 10-21, 2025).  See https://www.nccu.edu/university-college/testing-center for the phone number and directions to the testing center.
I am preparing for the CPCE by using my AATBS materials
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