2017-18 BAO Musician Info Form
Complete this form online by tues SEPTEMBER 12th for your first service project!
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Musician Info
First Name *
Last Name *
Your cell phone number *
"none"if you don't have one
Your Address
Street, City, Zip (apt #?)
Birthdate *
please enter this as mm/dd/yyyy, eg, 02/29/2001
Graduation year *
Please enter this as 4 digits, eg 1997
Instrument(s) *
Please put years played in parentheses behind each instrument
Class *
Which BAO class are you in?
Do you want a BAO Buddy this year? (yes/no) *
10th/11th/12th graders only. Tell us if you already know WHO you want as your BAO buddy.
Private lessons?
Name of Private Music Instructor, if you have one
Other ensembles
Do you play in any ensembles other than BHS Band and Orchestra? YPCO, WAB, SFSF, your dad's garage band
Zero Period Labs?
If you are in 1º BAO or have no labs you can skip this question. Do you have science labs during 0º? Please let us know which BAO class you're in.
0º Science Labs
If you have a 0º lab, please tell us the CLASS and TEACHER. Again, if you're in 1º BAO you can skip this question.
Rep *
I really hope to play this piece/composer/genre while in Band and Orchestra this year:
like *
Stuck on a desert island I would hope to have this piece/album with me
dislike *
I would never in a million years be caught dead listening to:
Parent/Guardian Info
Parent/Guardian(s) *
Parent/Guardian email *
Home Phone *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone *
2nd Parent/Guardian
If different than above
2nd Parent/Guardian email
If different than above
2nd Parent/Guardian Cell Phone
If different than above
2nd Home Phone
if different than above
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