Babysitting Night 2/16/19
Support Dance Marathon and Curt's Cafe! Allow yourself some relaxation this Valentine's Day Weekend (2/16), and drop your kids off at the DM Babysitting night at Niles North!
1 and older
The event will run from 4 P.M. - 8 P.M.
Dinner, snacks, and activities will be provided :)
Hourly Rate-
$9 for 1 kid
$15 for 2 kids
$18 for 3 kids

4 hour deals-
$30 for 1 kid
$50 for 2 kids
$60 for 3 kids
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Parent(s) name
How many kids are you registering?
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Name(s)/Age(s) of kid(s)?
Any allergies and/or health conditions that we should know about?
Please provide number, and name(s), of children not potty trained (if any).
Emergency Contact #1 (Name and number)
Emergency Contact #2 (Name and number)
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