Employer Registration
When: Thursday February 29th 11am - 1pm
****Table Set Up 10am - 11am / Tear Down 1pm - 2pm****
Where: Market Square Atrium, 1 Market Square, Saint John

Message to Employers:

Tables and chairs will be provided. Please bring a tablecloth for your table, a marquee, marketing material, or other related information. We welcome any representatives that want to attend.

Please spread the word (and Jobseeker Registration link) through your networks.

Thank you for your support!

Have questions or need assistance? 
Reach out to:
Patrick Russell at The Saint John Learning Exchange - patrick.russell@sjle.org
Olga Tyshchenko at Envision Saint John - olga.tyshchenko@envisionsaintjohn.com
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Employer Name *
Contact Person Name *
Contact Person Email
(I agree to occasionally receive emails from the Job Developers Network)
Contact Phone Number *
Would you like a reserve a table? *
Recruiting intentions
Clear selection
Part-time or full-time needs
Clear selection
How many positions due you expect to hire in the next 3 - 6 months?
Clear selection
How would you categorize your hiring needs? 
(check all that apply)
Any other information you would like to provide on your hiring needs - specific skills required, text from job postings, etc
Any accommodations you require, special requests or other details you would like to add?
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