Music workshop: Mathematics and Rhythm
with percussionist & composer Bernhard Schimpelsberger (
and mathematicians David Hewett ( & Angelika Manhart (

Timing: 5.30pm-8pm 26th March 2020
Location: Room 828, IOE (Institute of Education), 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 0AL

Join us for an interactive exploration of how mathematics can inspire rhythm and music! Dive into Konnakol, India's ancient rhythm language, which requires no instruments, simply your voice. And learn about the creative process behind our collaboration ‘Rhythms of fractals and collective movement’, in which we are using mathematical research to create exciting new rhythms. The rhythms we explore will feature in a brand-new musical composition, to be performed at the Bloomsbury Theatre at 6pm on Saturday 16th May.

The workshop assumes no previous musical knowledge and is suitable for all levels. Participation is free of charge, but spaces are limited.

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Please give a brief explanation of why you are interested in attending this workshop, and an indication of your level of musical proficiency - none is required, but it's helpful for us to know what level people are at.
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