साप्ताहिक शिष्यवृत्ती सराव परीक्षा क्रमांक -32
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विद्यार्थ्याचे नाव *
शाळेचे नाव *
1) Select the wrong pair of opposite words. *
2 points
2) Nature : rainbow, grass, birds, mountains,............... (Read the following word register and complete it.) *
2 points
3) Choose an action word that doesn't go with the word 'paper' *
2 points
4) The sign in the picture indicates *
2 points
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5) Many people will come to buy the soft and tasty butter. ( which word in the sentence is not used as an adjective.) *
2 points
6) I saw a duck with its ........... swimming in the pond. *
2 points
7) I must.......... who is making all that noise. *
2 points
8) Choose a correct 'motto' related to the picture. *
2 points
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9) Gaurav and his team won the match. What will you say? Select a wrong option. *
2 points
10) I am your closest neighbour. I am not living thing but your relative. people on earth write poems on me. I am..............  ( solve the riddle.) *
2 points
11) Which meaningful word can't be made by using given letters. *
2 points
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12) Read the following word puzzle and select a proper letter to make meaningful words. *
2 points
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13) Do you want to try it ( Which punctuation mark will be there at the end of the sentence.) *
2 points
Q.14 to Q.15 Read the following passage and answer the question given below.
India is a big country. There are twenty nine states and seven union territories in India. People of various religions like hindu, muslim, sikh. etc live together. They speak different languages. But all live happily. "Unity' is the key that bounds all Indians together.
14) How many states are there in India? *
2 points
15) Which things bounds all people together? *
2 points
16) Which of the following is an instruction? *
2 points
17) Which pair of words is incorrect? *
2 points
18) he will go to nashik from mumbai. ( How many words in the sentence will begin with capital letters?) *
2 points
Q.19 to Q.20 : Read the advertisement carefully and choose the correct alternative for the given questions.
19) Which programme is mentioned in the advertisement? *
2 points
20) What is the price of the ticket? *
2 points
21) The sun sets in the...............direction.(Choose the proper direction to complete the sentence.) *
2 points
22) 'Man' rhymes with........... *
2 points
23) Find odd man out. *
2 points
24) Ramesh is tall. His sister is short. ( Find out the pronoun.) *
2 points
25)Ravi ............ a letter. (Fill in the blank.) *
2 points
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