IEN Net Zero Endowments Initiative Member Engagement Form
The purpose of this form is to better track and recognize participants in IEN’s Net Zero Endowments Initiative, including asset owners, asset managers, investment consultants, OCIOs, data providers, nonprofits and other relevant actors in the institutional investing field. There are no obligations or costs to participating in this initiative.  Please complete this form if you are participating or interested in participating in the activities of this initiative. You will have the option below to be recognized publicly or keep your participation anonymous. 
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Name *
Title *
Organization *
Email (if you'd like to be on our Net Zero listserv)
What best describes your organization type?
Has your endowment made a net zero commitment? *
Would you like your organization to be publicly listed as a participant of IEN's Net Zero Initiative on our website? *
If there are Net Zero related topics, news, or speakers you recommend please list them below:
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