Fair Districts Petition Booklet Circulator Quiz
Thanks so much for training to collect signatures with Fair Districts for the Citizens Not Politicians campaign to ban gerrymandering. If you have questions, feel free to contact us at fairdistrictsohio2021@gmail.com. 
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County *
Can you fill a signature block and sign your own petition booklet?
1 point
Who can sign for another person?
1 point
The signer has a PO box and has moved recently. What address should they use?
1 point
When and where should I turn in completed voter registration forms?
1 point
What should I do when someone makes a small mistake when completing their address?
1 point
Is it helpful to pre-plan what I’m going to say when I ask people to sign?
1 point
What should I do if someone says they want more info before signing?
1 point
Where can I find the text of the amendment?
1 point
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What do I do if someone says we already tried to end gerrymandering?
1 point
What part of the form can I fill out for someone who wants to sign?
1 point
Can I leave my petition at the corner coffee shop on the counter while I run errands? What about in a secure tub on my front porch?
1 point
After I fill out the back page (statement of circulator), can I go back and change the number of signatures I had previously written?
1 point
If someone signs the petition twice with two different circulators, will their signature count twice?
1 point
Can people who live in different counties sign the same petition booklet?
1 point
If I won’t be able to get enough signatures for a particular county in a timely manner, can I pass my booklet on to someone else to finish up?
1 point
What should I do if the regional leader asks me to return my petition booklets but mine are not yet full?
1 point
When completing the statement of circulator, should I count signature blocks that are crossed out?
1 point
Is it better to have an undercount, an overcount, or an exact count when completing the statement of circulator?
1 point
Is it allowed to pre-fill the county block in my booklets?
1 point
What is good advice to give in regards to whether or not to include a middle initial and how to sign?
1 point
Are you allowed to print booklets? *
0 points
What do you write in the space marked "Number" on the top right corner of the petition's first page? *
0 points
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