Zine Survey Thingy
Hello Person With an Opinion That Matters Greatly To Me! Liz Mason here! I'm taking a survey of things people do and don't like to see in zines, which is part of a bigger project. Would you mind filling this out? It's easy and fun (at least I personally think it is). I want to know how feel about these things in zines: topics in them, their design, graphics, format etc. Feel free to be as brief or as elaborate as you like with these questions. In my final project, people who fill out this form will remain anonymous, so be as honest as you want -- I'm not sharing your personal answers with anybody. I know some of these questions sound like I'm asking the same thing over and over, but there are slight variances in phrasing that allow for different answers. Be as long-winded as you see fit -- the more data I have the better. If you think of more stuff later you can edit your answer. Please reply (or have your reply done) by Feb 28th. And pass  this survey to people in your life who read zines -- the sharing link is https://bit.ly/2LdYpoD . You don't have to be a zine publisher to fill this out, just someone who reads zines. Thank you for participating!  -Liz M.,  caboosezine@gmail.com
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What topics/themes do you like to read about in zines?
What topics/themes don't you like to read about in zines?
What types of zines do you like?
What types of zines don't you like?
What things do you encounter in zines you like? It can be more than topic: design, format, material, issues with grammar/punctuation, etc.
What things do you encounter in zines you don't like? Do you have any pet peeves? It can be more than topic: design, format, material, issues with grammar/punctuation, etc.
What topics/formats/graphics etc are overdone and annoying in zines?
What would the ideal zine be like to you?
What would the worst possible zine be like to you? Feel free to name an actual zine and/or just describe your ideal zine that may not actually exist.
What is your favorite zine in the world and why? Feel free to name an actual zine and/or just describe your ideal zine that may not actually exist.
Are there types of images you enjoy seeing in zines? (Dogs? Vintage children's illustrations? Retro clip art? Fruit? etc.)
Are there types of images you don't enjoy seeing in zines? (Junk Food? Line art? Clip art? Images from Wikipedia? etc.)
What else do you want to tell me about zines you do or don't like? What question(s) should I be asking about this topic in sussing out things people do and don't like in zines?
Optional: Eventually the project I'm collecting this data for will be done. If you would like me to contact you to let you know what I have done with all of the data I've collected, leave your e-mail address (and name if you so desire) here. Thanks for participating!
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