Covid Isn't Over Community Calendar Event Submission Form
Events are added a couple times a week to the community calendar. If you have any questions you can reach out to
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Added by/when - SKIP THIS QUESTION - this field is for admin organization on the backside :)
Your Name *
Your email *
Are you hosting this event? *
If you are not the host - what is the hosts name, and do they know the event has been submitted? *
Is the host a member of the covid-cautious community?  *
Name of event *
Date of event *
Start Time of event (Eastern USA) 

asynchronous events are added to the resource doc, you can add a comment to the doc with the information,
End Time of event (Eastern USA) *
Is this event reoccurring? If so, how often, and until when? 
Is there a cost to attend the event? If so how much?

*note paid events will only be added if hosted by a still coviding/covid conscious community member*
Event Details  *
Description of the event.  What can guests expect to happen when they join?  Is there an itinerary?   Should guests arrive on time or anytime?  Are they expected to stay the whole time?  Is someone leading the event?  Is there anything guests need to bring or do to prepare? Any accessibility information to share? If the event if informational - will it be recorded? If so, how can the recording be accessed after?

If registration is required included that information here. Make sure you also include the information on how to join the event or where to go for information on how to join the event.

Add social media links for your group/pages if you'd like it to be included in the event listing. (Please make sure you edit discord links so that will be active on the date of your event)

Open to *
Public contact Information  *
for participants who have questions about event
Cancellation or modification *
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