Quaver Chat Moderator Application
Greetings! Thank you for being interested in becoming a Quaver Chat Moderator.

Chat Moderators are important members of the Quaver Team. They are responsible for handling mutes and keeping the in-game and Discord chats clean and free of spam. Moderators are also involved in helping players with issues and answering questions about the game.

We are looking for active individuals who are knowledgeable about Quaver and experienced in chat moderation that are interested in joining our team.

Before applying, make sure you meet the following requirements:

1. You have a Quaver account.
2. You are in the Quaver Discord - https://discord.gg/quaver
3. You are an active player and community member.
4. You are very knowledgeable about our Discord and in-game rules - https://wiki.quavergame.com/docs/rules
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What is your Quaver username? *
What is your Discord tag? (Example: Flamingo#2332) * *
What country are you from? *
Which languages do you speak fluently? *
How much time do you have available each week to moderate both the Discord and in-game chats? *
During the days that you are available, at which times during the day are you able to moderate? Please provide your answer in UTC time. *
Do you have prior experience with moderating chats or administrating servers?  If so, list them. *
Why do you want to become a Quaver chat moderator? *
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