Gurdwara Sahib Sukh Sagar 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Event Timing: July 27 and 28, 2024
3 point Competition: Sunday July 28 ,2023
Event Address: Sukh Sagar Gurdwara (347 Wood St, New Westminster)
Once everyone registers(Last entry date is July 26th ), we will send an email with your slot, day you are playing and more event information.
Contact us at or at 604-445-3354 for any further information and questions.

4 Divisions - One for Girls, Two for Boys, and one kids

Prizes for all Divisons 
  • 1st place = $450per team/$150 per player

  • 2nd place = $300per team/$100 per player

  • 3rd place = $150per team/$50 per player

Prices for Kids Divison 9-12 Years Old
  • 1st place = $300 a team/$100 per player

  • 2nd place = $150 a team/$50 per player

  • 3rd place = $75 a team/$25 per player

3 point Competition

  • Mens 30+ = 1st $100 & 2nd $50 = $150

  • Mens 18+ = 1st $100 & 2nd $50 = $150

  • Girls 13 up = 1st $100 & 2nd $50 = $150

  • Boys 13-17 = 1st $100 & 2nd $50 = $150

  • 12 under kids = $100 & 2nd $50 = $150

Disclaimer : Minimum 8 Teams needed per Division for the Division to Proceed. We will email out to all teams to confirm that the Division is proceeding or not. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Player 1 Name *
Birthdate  *
Address *
Player 1 Email and phone number  *
Gender *
Is player taking any prescription or nonprescription drugs? Y/N Explain
Does player have any other injury that may prevent them from playing or affect other players? Y/N Explain
Player 1's Physician’s Name & Address:
Player 1's Physician’s Phone No.:
Player 2 Name
Player 2 Email and phone number 
Is player taking any prescription or nonprescription drugs? Y/N Explain
Does player have any other injury that may prevent them from playing or affect other players? Y/N Explain
Player 2's Physician’s Name & Address:
Player 2's Physician’s Phone No.:
Player 3 Name
Player 3 Email and phone number 
Address *
Is player taking any prescription or nonprescription drugs? Y/N Explain
Does player have any other injury that may prevent them from playing or affect other players? Y/N Explain
Player 3's Physician’s Name & Address:
Player 3's Physician’s Phone No.:
Please Select the Age group you will be in *
Team Name *
How did you hear about this event?
The above information is true to the best of my knowledge. If there are any changes between now and the program date, I agree to contact Gurdwara Sahib Sukh Sagar or Gurjeet Singh with the updated information.
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