Application: New Mexico Cohort – LMA Lab for Journalism Funding
Thank you for your interest in the New Mexico Cohort of the LMA Lab for Journalism Funding.

Deadline to apply is February 14 at 5:00pm PT. The New Mexico fundraising cohort will run for six months.
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Email *
Name of media organization *
Parent company
Executive sponsor name (CEO, publisher, general manager or other senior level executive)
Executive sponsor email
Applicants are required to assign a project manager who will participate in all lab meetings and activities. Please supply the project manager's name.
Project manager's email
Share what, if anything, you are already doing in the area of journalism funded by philanthropy. i.e. Small donation campaigns, major gifts, community foundation relationships, large foundations, grants, sponsors or any other fundraising for journalism. *
Why do you want to be in this lab? What do you hope to accomplish?  What would success look like for you specifically?
Can you commit to attending three mandatory meetings monthly (twice a month with the large group and once a month for one-on-one or small-group coaching sessions)? And once-monthly alumni group check-in calls for three months after the Lab?
What platforms do you publish on? *
What is the TOTAL size of your audience? *
What is the size of your newsroom?
What is your local leadership structure? Is there a publisher, general manager etc., and how long has that person worked in the market?
What is the composition of your leadership team, including its diversity? *
What are your initial ideas for the journalism project you’d seek to fund?
What is your Year 1 goal for raising funds to support journalism projects?
What other projects in your pipeline may interfere with your ability to execute this project? What else would hinder you from achieving your fundraising goals? *
Please share 2-3 examples of your work to make the case for the value & impact of your journalism. *
Do you agree to share the amount of money you raised during the program (we will report the number in aggregate and also showcase some individual performances), and agree to take part in case studies, white papers, virtual conference sessions, etc.?
Cover letter: Please email a cover letter from the executive sponsor (CEO, Publisher, General Manager, or other senior level executive) explaining why you are interested in participating. Note: Please don't underestimate the importance of this letter. With a large number of applications expected, this letter may very well be the deciding factor. Please email it to *
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