Who should have access to the Information in this Situation Report? *
Do you have your Situation Report in another format?
If your Situation Report is published online please paste the URL / Link below: (Internet Address)
Your answer
Do you approve of your Situation Report being analyzed by AI Tools (Artificial Intelligence) in order to help improve operational efficiency?
Clear selection
Organization Name *
Your answer
Contact Name (Who is submitting the report) *
Your answer
Organization Phone - for coordination of efforts
Your answer
Organization Phone - for sharing with the public
Your answer
Organization Email - for coordination of efforts *
Your answer
What is your current status *
To which islands will you respond? *
What does your organization provide? *
Your answer
What are you doing now? *
Your answer
What are you planning to do? *
Your answer
What are your unmet needs or resources needed for you to be effective?
Your answer
Is this your first time with disaster response in Hawaii? *
What else do you want us to know about you and your operations? Information for public sharing, social media sites, etc. Include your social media accounts or website address on which you are sharing information with the public.
Your answer
What questions, comments or concerns do you have for Hawaii State VOAD?
Your answer
SITREP for Hawaii State VOAD, Ver 1.1, August 16, 2023
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.