New York Archives Week 2023 Evaluation Form
In our ongoing commitment to improve New York Archives Week, we want to know about your experiences. We invite you to share your thoughts, insights, and suggestions to help us shape the future of this annual celebration.

If you have any questions, please send an email to We appreciate your time and effort in completing this survey!
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Are you a member of the Archivists Round Table? *
How did you hear about New York Archives Week?
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How many New York Archives Week events did you attend? *
Were you satisfied with the amount of events offered? *
How do you feel about the following statement: The A.R.T archives week calendar successfully represented a variety of institutions. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Did you attend mostly virtual or in-person events?
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Which event(s) did you attend? *
Please share your thoughts on the events you attended during New York Archives Week. We welcome all comments, compliments, and criticisms.
Do you have any feedback for A.R.T or any of the participating institutions?
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