F.U.N Programme 2023 — Application Form
Fellowship Undergraduate Network (F.U.N.) is a 6-session programme that gathers university students to learn qualities that make us better leaders and create new connections. The programme includes workshops and hands-on activities which will develop our understanding of ourselves and leadership skills.

F.U.N. is open to ALL students between 18 – 23 years old. The programme will be held on Saturdays from 2 – 5 PM at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang on the following dates : 
7, 14, 21 October  |  4, 11, 18 November

For further enquiries, please contact : 
Dexel Loo         011-1063 3919
Xinting Chan    011-2710 9228

We look forward to welcoming you to FUN! 
Full Name & Preferred Name (If any)
E.g Loo Zen Hei, Dexel (Dex)
Name (Chinese) *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Age *
University / Educational Institution
Study Course
Phone number
Eg. +6012-4567 890
E-mail Address *
Have you attended FUN Programme before? *
Transport needed?
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