倫敦藝術大學一級榮譽生分享 University of the Arts London Alumni sharing session: how to achieve first-class honours
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講座語言 Language:
粵語 Cantonese
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Name 姓名 *
Gender 性別 *
Phone Number 電話 *
Email Address 電郵 *
Have you applied to UAL for 23/24 entry?
Current School 就讀學校 *
Education Level 就讀年級 *
Subject(s) that interest(s) you  感興趣的學科 *
How did you hear about this event? 請問您從哪裡得知此活動?   *
Are you interested in studying in the UK? 你有沒有興趣到英國留學?  *
If you are interested in studying in the UK, which year do you plan to study in the UK? 如有興趣到英國留學,請問會打算在哪年到英國留學?
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