BMSG Mum 2 Mum Meetups 2024
Hello mummies!

This is the sign up form for our BMSG Mum 2 Mum VIRTUAL and ON THE GO sessions.

Here are the details of our upcoming Mum 2 Mum sessions. Except for the On The Go (Outdoor) M2M sessions, all other sessions are conducted online via Zoom.

DEC 2024
  • 3 DEC (TUES) - 2:00 - 3:30pm (ZOOM) - ENDED
  • 4 DEC (WEDS) - 10:00am - 12:00pm @ Tampines Greenview Playground - ENDED
  • 7 DEC (SAT) - 2:00 - 3:30pm (ZOOM) - CANCELLED
  • 12 DEC (THURS) - 10:00 - 11:30am (ZOOM)
  • 17 DEC (TUES) - 10:30am - 12:00pm (Bidadari Park)

Please note that confirmation will be done via WhatsApp a few days before the session.

- These are women-only events; no males will be allowed during the sessions
- Seats are limited to first 6 registrations
- Babies and young children are welcome to attend
- Please ensure that you switch on your videos during the first 5 minutes of the session for us to verify your identity

- Family members, including grandparents, spouses and helpers are welcomed to join the event
- Limited to 6 mums (not inclusive of accompanying adults)
- Babies and young children are welcome to attend; babywearing and/or bringing strollers (if terrain allows it) are highly encouraged

  • Confirmation will be given via WhatsApp a few days before sessions.
  • Photos may be taken during the session and may be used in our publicity materials.

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Please be informed that this session is only for breastfeeding mothers or mothers who are genuinely keen to learn more about breastfeeding, such as pregnant mums or mothers who are looking for ways to relactate. We apologise that we are unable to admit individuals who do not fall into this category to provide a safe and confidential space for our mothers.

If you are a breastfeeding professional or someone looking to understand more about breastfeeding, please email our staff:
Name *
Are you a pregnant or breastfeeding mother? *
Contact Number (We will contact you by WhatsApp / Text) *
Please select which session you wish to attend. 

Please note that confirmation will only be done via WhatsApp a few days before the meetups.
Which breastfeeding topics are you interested in?
Baby's age
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Would you like to opt in to BMSG's mailing list? 

We offer monthly newsletters in your email on breastfeeding tips, updates on the breastfeeding world as well as regular news about BMSG. 

(You may choose more than 1 option).
If you answered YES to the question above, please write down your preferred email address.
Where did you hear about our Mum 2 Mum Meetups? *
I consent to the use of my photos for BMSG's future promotional and publicity materials. *
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This form was created inside of Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group(Singapore).

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