Sarum Academy Sixth Form Application
Thank you for applying to join our Sixth Form. We're looking forward to working with you to show you why our Sixth Form could be the best place for you to study over the next two years.

Remember that you can apply for multiple places to study at Post-16, and will choose one place to study at after results day. With this in mind, please do complete an application with us even if we are a second or third choice.

All information will be kept securely, and only used internally to contact prospective students and parents about our Sixth Form, events, and to arrange tours or interviews.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact us at
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First name *
Surname *
Date of birth (DD/MM/YY) *
Gender *
Home address (please include postcode) *
Applicant mobile phone number *
Applicant email address *
Parental contact name *
Parental contact mobile phone number *
Parental contact email address *
Parental contact home address (if different from applicant)
Current school *
Do you have a learning need? Eg. Dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, etc. *
If you answered 'yes' to the above question, please provide more details here
Do you have a disability? Eg. physical, sensory, etc. *
If you answered 'yes' to the above question, please provide more details here
Please pick three subjects from the list below that you would be interested in studying *
Please pick at least one reserve subject that you would consider studying if there was a clash between any of your previous choices *
EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) is an extra subject worth half of an A Level, where you complete research, and essay and a presentation about a topic of your choice.

Please indicate whether you would like to study EPQ in Year 13
We have a partnership with Salisbury Football Club, where the manager and assistant manager of their First Team run our football coaching and fixtures.

Please indicate whether you would like to be part of this partnership.
Please provide details about your hobbies and interests, work experience, voluntary work, memberships of clubs and organisations and your future plans in support of your application
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