CPR Heartsaver Course Registration - Wonewoc Library - Wednesday January 22 - 2:00 pm to 6 pm
CPR Course Registration - Juneau County Medical Reserve Corps & Community Members
Wonewoc Public Library  - 305 Center Street, Wonewoc WI 
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CPR Course is sponsored by the Juneau County Medical Reserve Corps.  For more information call 608-847-9278.
CPR American Heartsaver Course - Sponsored by the Juneau County Medical Reserve Corps.  Location: Wonewoc Public Library Community Room.  This course is open to the public. Pre- Registration is required. - Space is limited. Fee of $20.00 for Non MRC Volunteers. If you have a financial hardship and would like to take the course, there is a question below in the survey.  *
Name  (First and Last) *
Address *
Phone Number  *
Email Address *
The cost of the class for community members (NON MRC VOLUNTEERS) (CPR and First Aid is $20.00 Total)  CPR only is $20.00 & First Aid only is $20.00  Checks payable to Juneau County Health Department or payable with Cash the day of -  These fees are for your certification - The MRC is paying the instructor out of grant funds. *
Parking - Please park on the street or behind the library.  *
Did you attend the Community Resiliency Trainings in November at Wonewoc Public Library?  The classes were Intro to stop the bleed, Hands only CPR, Intro to AED, and information about the Medical Reserve Corps. *
The Medical Reserve Corps is a national network of volunteer medical and non medical professionals, public health experts, and others who help make their communities stronger and healthier during disasters and every day. Local MRC volunteers are trained as part of a team and work within their community’s health, preparedness, and response infrastructures to help meet local medical and public health needs during emergencies. MRC volunteers also promote preparedness in their communities to improve everyday health, reducing potential public health risks and vulnerabilities.  Would you be interested in joining or learning more about the Juneau County Medical Reserve Corps?
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Medical Reserve Corps Overview 
What time would be the best time to contact you? *
Why are you interested in participating in this CPR training? *
Would you be willing to respond/ volunteer in the event of a public health emergency? *
If so, have you registered on WEAVR? (Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry)  The Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry (WEAVR) is Wisconsin's initiative to pre-register, manage, and mobilize clinical and non-clinical volunteers to help in responding to all types of disasters. Search & Choose Juneau County Medical Reserve Corps, then add Juneau County Health Department https://weavrwi.org/  (Write this link down for future reference)
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Are you interested in attending a First Aid Course on Wednesday January 29th from 2pm to 6 pm at the Wonewoc Public Library - Community Room? *
Feel free to bring a bottled water or light snack to the training for yourself as needed.   *
Are you interested in learning about Narcan?  Narcan is used in people of all ages if opioid overdose happens or has possibly happened. (An opioid overdose occurs when someone accidentally or intentionally takes more opioid than their body can safely process.) Narcan is usually given by a caregiver or loved one if they think opioid overdose has occurred.
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What times and days work best for your for future trainings? *
Morning: 9 am to Noon
Afternoon 1 pm to 4:30 pm
Evening 4:30 pm to 8 pm
REMINDER: The cost of the CPR class is free to MRC Volunteers, and if you have registered on the States Volunteer Registry. Juneau County Medical Reserve Corps https://www.weavrwi.org/  (Juneau County MRC) The local MRC Unit Coordinator can be reached at 608-847-9278 if you have additional questions.   I understand what I need to do. 
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