Onboarding Survey (Coding and Tech)
This is the survey for coding and tech related tasks. If you would like to apply for positions not related to tech, please use this link. Also note that you can apply to both surveys. https://forms.gle/9XxexXLNB7GNsUCC7
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Why are you interested in BobaBoard? *
BobaBoard is building a platform for the communal enjoyment of fandom, media and the broader web. What skill sets and/or professional experience/education do you have that might be relevant? If you have experience doing things for fandom, what kind of experience do you have? *
Examples include formatting Neopets pages, managing fan shrine/creating Tumblr themes, getting your doctorate in Natural Language Processing to automatically generate fanfictions of your rarepair, etc. Not all fandom experience involves coding! If you have experience creating anything for fandom, we'd love to hear about it! If you have professional experience not involving fandom, this is a good place for it.
Creativity, freedom of expression, and privacy are at the core of BobaBoard's mission. With this in mind, do you have any particular area of development and/or management you'd like to contribute to?
Consider what tools, features, and experiences might be involved in order to operate smoothly (and what aspects of other socials intrigue you). If you'd rather be a "jack of all trades" and just see what's available, feel free to mention that!
When it comes to assisting with tasks for this project, would you rather be assigned something that is easy and fun, or a good challenge that helps you grow? What are some tasks you’d feel very comfortable with, and/or what are some that interest you but might prove more challenging?
Here are some potential tasks, but feel free to add more: frontend development (React), backend development (NodeJS), database design/administration (Postgres SQL), devops, accessibility expert, QA person, tech writer, program manager... If you don't have knowledge of the specific languages we use, don't worry: we gladly welcome any help, and would love to help you become comfortable with our stack!
Do you like working in sprints or over a longer period of time?
Sprint = limited time task, might involve more work but lasts for a limited amount of time. Longer task = might require less effort in the day to day, but needs be done consistently/over a longer time period.
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How much time a week/month would you be able to spend on volunteering efforts?
Things can always change, but do your best to estimate. As part of our commitment to diversity, our goal is to be mindful of particular circumstances (e.g. sudden chronic illness flare ups, bad mental health periods) that might make this difficult to predict with consistency. All we ask from volunteers is honest, timely communication of any issue that arises.
What sort of reward/perk would you be interested in in exchange for your volunteer hours?
For volunteers, examples of perks could be early access, special board badges or titles, swag, etc. If you are happy to volunteer for free or are unsure what perks you’d like, please say so. We welcome other ideas as well!
Are there additional services you'd be willing to provide for a reduced fee? What about full price?
For example: I can offer a 20% discount on commissions; I run a printing service and can get you a good price; etc. Please let us know what your rates are!
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