Record of Injustice
I've seen countless people with experiences of injustice get to a wall where they are told nothing can be done. I feel most experiences of injustice really aren't resolved in any meaningful way. And that many people quietly give up or get disconnected. I can't offer justice, but I can offer something meaningful. I can take record of those experiences so they don't disappear. 

As individuals we may be powerless, but enough stories of injustice together start to tell a bigger story of inequity. Those big stories are things that can lead to change. Please share your story. 

  • These stories can be anonymous or include name
  • This is open to anyone who lives in North Dakota or the surrounding area or who has a story about this region from any point in their life
  • The stories we collect are aimed at injustice from organizations or systems and not against individual people. However, it could relate to how specific departments did not treat you seriously due to injustice experienced from an individual. This form and sharing stories are not to create mob justice, but to give light to experience, power to truth, and ways to build understanding, unity, and change. 
  • Participating in this form is giving explicit consent to use any material shared, with every effort done to respect and honor the stories provided. It's presumed you have the consent to share anything you do here. We do retain the right to edit or modify material as we see fit for length, clarity, or keep details unidentifiable where relevant.
This form and answers at monitored and kept by Faye Seidler - Contact her at
You have read, understand, and consent to the Agreement above. *
Email (Optional - so I can get a hold of you) 
Phone number (Optional - so I can get a hold of you)
Any way you want to be represented by name (Optional - Public facing) 
City (Optional - Public facing)
Share Your Story Here
Final Thoughts
Thank you for filling this out and submitting it. If you'd like to submit pictures, videos, or audio to go along with it, please email me at! 
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