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Bonded Charlotte Private Party Questionnaire
A Bonded Private party is the perfect way to get together with friends or family to celebrate a special occasion or just to create special bonds.
Grab 10 of your besties and make a night of it!
*We will have a scheduled arrival and departure time based on your guest number, with a max time of 4 hours for a private event and recommend less than 18 people.
*Different minimums or fees may be applied if the distance is > 20 miles from our home studio.
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* Indicates required question
Tell us a little about the party you wish to have!
You can set something up in our studio outside of our regular business hours or have one of our Bonding Specialists come to your home, event, or workplace!
Private Party at the Bonded Studio (2000 South Blvd Suite #440; Charlotte, NC 28203)
Private Party at a Home or Business
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Host Name
Your answer
Host Contact Number
Your answer
Host E-mail Address
Your answer
Address for the party (if not at the Bonded studio!)
Your answer
What's the theme?!
This could be a Ladies Night, a Birthday or Bachelorette Party, a Bridal Shower, Wine Night, a Neighborhood get together, a Holiday Party, etc.
Your answer
How many people are you planning to invite?
Your answer
What date and time frame works best for you and your party?
Your answer
Thank you for your interest in a private party! We can't wait to Bond you 🤍
Please allow 24 - 48 hours for a response. If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to
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