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Recruiter Request
This form is for 3rd party recruiters to request a formal relationship with Square 8. While we don't typically use recruiters, we are always open to discussion. If you have a candidate you'd like us to consider, please fill out this form and we will get back to you.
All answers are confidential. Please do not email Square 8 staff directly. Thank you!
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* Indicates required question
Name of your agency
Your answer
Your Name
Your answer
Your Website
Your answer
Your Phone Number
Your answer
Where are you Located?
Your answer
What is your Focus?
Front-end software developers
Back-end software developers
QA & Testing
UI/UX Design
Customer Success
Sales & Marketing
HR or other administrative
What is your revenue model?
Percent of salary
Added percent to hourly rate
Fixed fee
If you answered "Fixed fee" or "Subscription" above, what is the pricing?
Note - if you do not answer this question, we will still ask you over email, which will delay things.
Your answer
Which job opening do you have a candidate for?
Please paste the link to the listing on
Your answer
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