Zoo New York Volunteer Form for Minors
Are you interested in continuing or starting as a volunteer for Zoo New York in the 2021 year?  Please fill out this form.

We will review your answers to this form as an official application for Zoo New York.  If you are a new volunteer you will be reached out to by our staff before the next orientation period.  Orientations are typically on Saturday mornings.
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General Application Form
Please fill out completely and accurately.  This application will be used for our records.
Applicant's Full Name  (First & Last) *
Preferred nickname?
Preferred Pronoun(s)
Date of Birth *
Individuals under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Mailing Address (Street/Apt/PO Box, City, State, Zip code) *
Preferred Phone Number (555-555-5555) *
Can we text you at the above phone number? *
Alternative Phone Number (555-555-5555)
E-Mail Address *
This will be our primary form of contacting you, so be sure to choose an address you check regularly.
Emergency Contact Name & Relation (First & Last, Relationship) *
Emergency Contact Phone Number (555-555-5555) *
Medical Conditions/Allergies:
Not required, but helpful in case of an emergency
Please select the types of activities you are willing to help with at the Zoo. *
There are many opportunities for involvement, and we try to take every opportunity to meet our volunteers' passions. Not all opportunities are available to first time volunteers.
Are there activities you are uncomfortable/unwilling to help with at the Zoo? *
If Yes, please list in "Other" section.
Have you ever been removed or asked to leave an organization due to allegations regarding your behavior or personal conduct? *
If Yes, please explain.
Have you or are you currently under investigation, accused of, or charged with abuse or endangering the welfare of a minor child? *
If Yes, please explain.
Are you aware of any reason not listed that may call into question your suitability to volunteer at the Zoo? *
If Yes, please explain.
Are you already an active volunteer with Zoo New York?
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