marecon 2024 panel application
the three main cornerstones I want marecon to be built on are:

1. love of mares
2. comfiness
3. audience interaction

keep those in mind as you plan your panel!

you can see the (wip) schedule here

if you have any questions, feel free to email me at (or anywhere else you can find me)
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Panel Name
Panel Description
What's the best way to get in contact with you? (please actually put your account name or contact info in here, I don't magically know your email or social media accounts) *
would you like any help planning your panel or setting up your livestream?
i am but a wee numget, please to help with everything (ācā)
I've done this plenty of times before, I don't need your stupid help šŸ˜Ž
additional comments for the previous question (if any)
what day/time (generally or specifically) would you like your panel to be at? (schedule will be pieced together later)
any time can work, but prime time for the con will probably end up being Eastern Standard Time (EST)
check the current con schedule here
how long will your panel be? (I'd generally recommend somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour, but longer or shorter is fine too)
any additional comments, questions, notes, or whatever about your panel? leave them here or contact me at
or post in the thread, of course (if there's one up)
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