FIA Smart Cities Awards - Application form
Thank you for agreeing to take part in the FIA Smart Cities Initiative. This application form is meant to collect relevant project information to be further reviewed and assessed by the Smart Cities Awards jury. This application will take a few minutes to complete. Our staff will be ready to assist you in the event of any questions or uncertainties.
Why are the key challenges cities face in the context of rapid urbanization and economic growth? Congestion, pollution, low safety measures are among key issues cities attempt to eliminate in order to enhance urban mobility systems.
To do that, cities adopt open traffic data management to provide citizens better services like faster and safer mobility experiences and less traffic. They also encourage the electrification of private and public transportation, calling for more energy and cost-effective transport solutions. Finally, cities recognize the need for new service and use of innovations, advancing the implementation of on-demand mobility services.
The goal of the Smart Cities Awards is to collect your stories and strategies targeted on safer, cleaner, more equitable and more efficient urban mobility and share problem-solving oriented solutions across a network of relevant stakeholder.