FLAGC Executive Board Application

Includes President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer: serves to manage the affairs and strategic oversight of the Florida Association of Genetic Counselors (FLAGC): a non-profit organization with the mission to advance the professional interests of genetic counselors practicing within the state of Florida by providing educational, training, legislative, & business development resources. The Executive Board is legally and ethically responsible for all activities of the organization.

To that end it: 

● Determines how FLAGC will carry out its mission through long- and short-range planning 

● Adopts an annual budget and provides fiscal oversight 

● Recruits, orients, and develops board members 

● Evaluates its performance and overall performance of FLAGC in achieving its mission 

● Establishes policies for the effective management of FLAGC 

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First and Last Name *
Current Employer & Position
Preferred Email
Are you a FLAGC full member? This means you live in the state of Florida, have a masters degree from an accredited genetic counseling program, and you are an active member of NSGC
Why are you interested in serving as a Board member with the Florida Association of Genetic Counselors?
What position are you interested in? If more than one please check all that apply. *
Please describe any relevant experience, including any prior experience serving on a board.
Skills, experience, and interests (select all that apply)
Let us know anything else you’d like to share.
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