Reader Registration
Here is the sign up form for MBLU 2018. Once this form is filled out I will send a Square invoice to your email.

Date:  November 3-4, 2018

Venue: Wintergreen Resort and Conference Center

Location: Wisconsin Dells, WI



$89 for the Saturday night before and $69 for Sunday night (plus tax)


Want to come join us for a night of fun? Hang out with authors and readers with some appetizers and cocktails while playing Cards Against Humanity and other fun games.

Date: Saturday November 3, 2018

Time: 4:00 pm - ??

Where: Wintergreen Resort and Conference Center - Room TBD

Cost: $15/person (includes appetizers)

Cash bar available


Want to join us for lunch before the signing?

Date: Sunday November 4, 2018

Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Where: TBD

The lunch will be offsite or at the hotel restaurant. Please state  your interest below so that I can make reservations for our group. Once we have a head count I will be setting up a FB group for correspondence and organizing. Please be sure to leave your FB profile LINK where indicated on the form.

Cost: Everyone will be responsible for ordering and paying for your own meal and drinks.

** Anyone who joins us for lunch will have 30 minutes of uninterrupted time with the authors prior to the signing (12:30 - 1:00)


Signing is FREE and open to the public. Feel free to bring your own books and/or items to be signed by the authors.


Anyone who signs up for any of the above events will be guaranteed a goody bag and additional chances to win prizes.

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Will you be joining us for appetizers and cocktails on Saturday night?
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If yes to above question, do you have any food allergies that we need to be made aware of? If so, please explain what and the severity of it. (airborne, touch, only ingestion, etc)
Will you be joining us for lunch on Sunday? (details above)
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Facebook Link so I can add you to the group
Will you be joining us for the signing on Sunday?
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Thank you for joining us for MBLU 2018. If you have any questions feel free to email us at Also, if you have signed up for a paid event, be sure to look for an invoice from Square in your inbox.  
Disclaimer: A minimum of 35 people per meal are needed in order to order. If we do not get 35 people signed up the meal will be cancelled. Refunds will be given in this case.
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