Adult Sexual Health and Healthy Relationships Program
We are excited to launch a new program we have designed. Like our Teen Healthy Relationships program that has been successfully running we are going to start running one for adults aged 19+. This program will occur weekly for 2 hours via zoom on Thursday evenings from 6-8pm. This program will run for 5 weeks. We are hoping to get enough participants registered to begin April 29th. There will be a fee of $10 to attend each week ($50 for the 5 total weeks) which goes directly to our organization to ensure we can keep providing the services we do. If cost is an issue please let me know and we will figure out scholarship options.

The topics will be as follows;

Week 1 – The relationship with yourself. This will entail determining the difference between physical and emotional self care and determining what coping mechanisms work best for you.
Week 2 – Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships/Intimate Partner Violence. This will include recognizing unhealthy behaviors as well as healthy and how to help yourself and others leave an unhealthy relationship.
Week 3 – Inclusion. Primarily focusing on the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. We will discuss proper pronoun and language usage. As well as how to create safe(r)/brave spaces for all. We will also discuss the process of coming out about gender and sexuality and how to support someone doing so.
Week 4 – Sexual Health. Primarily focusing on STI’s, birth control and consent. As well as how to establish healthy communication surrounding sexual health. As well as the services offered at PPNLSHC.
Week 5 – Harm Reduction. Focusing on safe substance use and safe sex.

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What is your full name? *
What is your date of birth? Day/Month/Year *
What is your email address? Updates and weekly zoom links will be sent to the email you provide. *
Which weeks do you wish to attend? Click all that apply. *
There will be a charge of $50 to attend the full 5 sessions. You can pay before each session weekly it does not have to be upfront. If there is an issue with cost please let us know below and we will work with you to figure scholarship options out. *
This will be completed via Zoom each week. Do you have access to technology and a safe space? *
Do you have any previous experience with any of the topics that will be discussed? Whether that be personal experience or another form of education. *
Often times our education e-mail will get flagged as spam so if you have signed up please keep an eye to our Facebook page as well as your junk e-mail for updates. If you have any additional questions please leave them below or contact me directly at  *
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