Second English test
choose the best answer
1. The children ………………………… outside now. *
1 point
2. ……...he usually ……………………… the newspaper in the morning? *
1 point
3. why ……   …… …… your homework now? *
1 point
4. Luisa is reading a book.    She .... a test today *
1 point
5. my sister and my mother......  spaghetti. *
1 point
6. why do you want to write a letter to his pen-friend? *
1 point
7. …. The babies ………………………… now? *
1 point
8. Where does her mother usually watch TV? *
1 point
9.  When is Mary ………………………… listening to music?
1 point
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10. We …………     …………… to the disco tonight. *
1 point
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