Jayhawk Theatre Volunteer Application
Our organization encourages the participation of volunteers who support our mission. If you agree with
our mission and are willing to be interviewed and trained in our policies and procedures, we encourage
you to complete this application. The information on this form will be kept confidential and will help us
find the most satisfying and appropriate volunteer opportunity for you.

Thank you for your interest in our organization.

Note: Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age for certain positions, 16+ for Concessions
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Address City, State & Zip *
Phone number *
Age (volunteers must be at least 18 years of age) *
Have you volunteered at a theater before? *
What is your previous volunteer experience? *
What is your area(s) of interest? (check all that apply) *
We encourage many different skills! Please describe yours if not listed above or any other ways you'd like to help.
What is your availability? (check all that apply) *
Current Occupation *
Why do you want to be a volunteer at the Jayhawk Theatre? *
What type of skills do you have? Ex. Organizing, Carpentry, Photography, etc. *
T-Shirt Size *
How did you hear about us? *
Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony? If, so please explain.
By typing my name, I hereby authorize Jayhawk Theatre to investigate my background and qualifications for purposes of evaluating whether I am suitable for volunteer work at this theater. I understand that Jayhawk Theatre will utilize an outside firm or firms to assist it in checking such information, and I specifically authorize such an investigation by information services and outside entities of the theater's choice. I also understand that I may withhold my permission and that in such a case, no investigation will be done, and my application for volunteering will not be processed further.  (Type name) *
I hereby acknowledge that the information given above is accurate and I give permission to the Jayhawk Theatre for the use of my photographs that are taken by staff in order to use for social media and/or marketing purposes. *
By typing my name, I agree to abide by the policies and procedures of Jayhawk Theatre. I understand that I will be volunteering at my own risk, and that the organization and its employees and affiliates, cannot assume any responsibility for any liability for any accident, injury or health problem which may arise from any volunteer work I perform for the organization. I agree that all the work I do is on a volunteer basis only. (Type name) *
By typing my name, I hereby state that I have read and understand all of the above questions and comments. I agree that I have answered truthfully to all questions and may be disqualified from volunteering if my background check indicated values that do not align with the mission of the Jayhawk Theatre. (Type name) *
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