Volleyball Foundation Program
Discover a comprehensive program designed to establish a strong training foundation, focusing on optimizing muscle activation, enhancing body balance, and refining stabilization for a more effective fitness journey.

1. Start by creating an account with Train Heroic. It's free! (https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/account/create-account).
2. Fill out the survey below with the same email you signed up for train heroic.
3. Within 24-hours you'll receive an invite from your coach.
4. Communicate with your coach via email when you would like your start date. (usually the following Monday)

Enjoy your program!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Email *

Waiver of Liability:

I acknowledge that participating in physical activities during the online training program involves certain risks. I hereby release Volley Method, its trainers, and affiliated personnel from any liability for injuries or damages that may occur during or as a result of the online training program.

By typing your name below, you are affirming your electronic signature to this document and are representing that you are the individual named above providing the above acknowledgements.
Cost: $200
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