Classical Ballet Training - Academic Year 2023/24 (Mid- year Entry)
古典芭蕾培訓 - 2023/2024學年(期中入學)
Entry & Placement Assessment 入學甄選評估
Prospective students will need to undergo an evaluation for proper class placement. This assessment will resemble a trial ballet class, and HKB teachers will see if a student is excited to explore their love of ballet and dance. Teachers evaluate students based on their ability to follow instructions, natural musicality and expression, taking into consideration previous experience and physical ability. We want to ensure that ballet training will be safe and healthy for our students as it requires a great deal of flexibility and strength.
Assessment Date 甄選評估日期7 January 2024 (Sun)
*Limited places in year 2023-2024. All intake places are first-come-first-served. If places are full after the first intake, the remaining assessments may not be held. 學位名額有限,先到先得。如學位於第一輪甄選評估後已滿額,將有機會取消其後的甄選評估。
Venue 地點: Hong Kong Ballet Studios, Happy Valley 香港芭蕾舞團跑馬地會址
Level of age group for Assessment 評估年齡組別:
7 January 2024 (Sun)
10:00-11:00 - ages 8-9
11:00-12:00 - ages 10-11
12:00-13:00 - ages 11-16 (With pre-pointe experience 有初階足尖經驗)
15:30-16:30 - ages 6
16:30-17:30 - ages 7-8
Age Requirement 年齡要求Candidates must register for the entry assessment based on their age as of 31 December, 2023. Underage enrollment is not accepted.
考生的評估年齡組別以2023年12月31日計算。考生必須以2023 年 12 月 31 日截至的年齡報名評估分級,不接受未滿年齡要求的申請。
Level Placement 分級安排
Faculty teachers will give the final decision on student's placement level. Some students may need to attend a lower level or attend two levels concurrently for a half-year period before mid-term evolution. *Students will have to complete a FULL year course to promote to next level.*
導師將最終決定學生的分級。 部分學生可能需要在期中評估前半年參加較低級別或同時參加兩個級別的課堂。*學生須完成一年課程方可升班*
Programme Details 課程詳情: 查詢: