AAJA Quarterly Membership Survey
AAJA is working hard to increase the value of your membership. In order to best serve you, we need your input. The more you tell us, the better we can serve you. Please fill out this by September 30th.
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1. Membership Profile
Log into your AAJA account (http://www.aaja.org/login) and update your profile to make sure we have your current contact and employment information. Having updated information is critical in order for us to advocate for you and connect you with recruiters who are actively hiring.
If you have trouble logging into your account, please check our membership FAQ for answers before contacting support@aaja.org.
2. How interested are you in these topics for virtual programming? *
Not interested
Somewhat interested
Very interested
Leadership Training
Skills Training (newsgathering, legal, online tools, etc)
Support for dealing with harassment
Social/Networking Mixers
Mental health support and education
Support for dealing with difficult employment situations
Career advancement
3. Which of the following days and times are best for virtual programming? (Check all that apply) *
4. Any other thoughts about virtual programming?
5. What things has AAJA done in the last few years that were particularly useful or helpful? *
6. What value does being an AAJA member provide to you personally and/or professionally? (check all that apply) *
7. If you answered "other" above, please explain here
8. What can AAJA do to increase its value and usefulness to you? *
9. AAJA works within the below four priority areas, rank them in order of importance with 1 being most important: *
Collective Voice: Providing a means of association, fellowship and support for AAPI journalists, and advancing AAPI journalists as news managers and media executives.
Professional Development and Mentorship: Providing encouragement, information, advice, scholarship assistance, and comprehensive programming to empower the next generation of AAPI journalists.
Media Literacy: Seeking to promote awareness of news media and understanding of how to gain fair access among AAPI communities.
Accountability: Conducting research and speaking out when news media organizations stray from accuracy and fairness in the coverage of Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and related issues.
10. What are the best ways for AAJA to raise charitable revenue in support of its work? *
11. Outside of membership dues, would you consider making a donation to AAJA? *
12. Name
13. State, Territory, or Country *
14. Time Zone *
15. What is your primary AAJA chapter? *
16. Where do you get most of your AAJA-HQ updates? *
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