Homesharing Bill of Rights
1. Neighbors of Homeshares have the right to:
    a. the peaceful enjoyment of their property, health, safety, and welfare.
    b. be free from harassment, trespassing, invasion of privacy, or unauthorized use of their personal information.
    c. expect that nearby Short Term Rentals should impact those rights no more than an owner occupant or long term
        tenant could.
    d. complain if their rights are being violated.
2. Tenants have the right to
    a. the peaceful enjoyment of their short-term rental property, health, safety, and welfare.
    b. be free from harassment, invasion of privacy, or unauthorized use of their personal information.
    c. Expect to be treated fairly.
3. Dwelling Unit Owners have the right to:
    a. lease their property for any length of time
    b. pay Sales and Lodging taxes at the same rates as hotels in the same jurisdiction for all leases up to 29 nights.
    c. still be considered a residential use with residential building, infrastructure and zoning requirements regardless of the
        term of their leases.
    d. Enforce their lease with their tenants and get assistance from local law enforcement and courts to enforce their lease.
    e. be free from harassment, invasion of privacy, or unauthorized use of their personal information.
4. Government:
    a. has the right to enact laws and enforce them against tenants, owners, or neighbors who infringe on the rights above.

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