Energi  Feedback Survey
Thank you for being a valued member of the Energi community! Your feedback is essential to help us improve our services and better meet your needs. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
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How did you first hear about Energi?
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Which of the following best describes your involvement with Energi?  Untitled Question
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On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with Energi's current offerings and services? (1 being very dissatisfied, 10 being very satisfied)
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What do you like most about Energi?
What areas or aspects of Energi do you believe need improvement?
Are there any specific features or services you'd like to see Energi offer in the future?
How often do you engage with Energi's online communities (Telegram, Discord, etc.)?
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Do you find Energi's educational resources (blogs, videos, tutorials) helpful?
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Would you recommend Energi to others?
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Are there any additional comments or suggestions you'd like to share with us?
Would you like to participate in our survey giveaway? If yes, please provide your email address to enter the giveaway (Optional):
By participating in this survey, you have a chance to win surpirse giveaways.
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