FSS - Action Track 5 - Idea Generation
The General Objective of Action Track 5 (AT5) is to “Build Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks and Stress". AT5 actions aim to ensure that food systems which are affected by conflict, climate, environmental, natural, health and economic shocks and stresses, can anticipate, maintain functionality, recover, and improve to a better-off state. These actions include a focus on “productive disruption” in the context of global crises, such as pandemics , biodiversity loss and the global climate emergency.

AT5 focuses on integrated and cross-cutting system and nexus approaches to reduce vulnerability to compounded risks, structural fragility and systemic causes, on risk reduction, and on multi-risk and crisis management across and within Food systems.

This form serves as a way to collate feedback to enhance outcomes of Action Track 5 to the summit and collect ideas for potential game-changing and systemic solutions to ensure environmental resiliency, economic resiliency and social resiliency in food systems.

More information on the Summit can be found here: https://www.un.org/en/food-systems-summit 
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What  is the risk, shock, stress that the  solution is trying to address? *
How does the solution improve or enhance resilience of food systems? *
Is the solution relevant to building food systems resilience?  Please check if it is targeting these  capacities: *
In what realms of intervention is the solution designed to act on resilience? *
Explain how the solution is actionable (considering politics, capacity, costs, availability of funds), sustainable (ability to keep delivering 2030 and beyond) and has impact potential to scale (considering return on investment).
Is there any evidence generated in Academia to support this idea?
What category does the solution belong to?
Who are the main actors that would put this action into place?
What is the political support for this idea? Does the idea have  any member states or political interests? Are there any stakeholders working on it?
Is the solution applicable at global level, or specific contexts and particular countries? *
What are the key actions required to address this solution?
Are there any financial sources/funds that is supporting this idea?
How does this solution contribute to (a) empower women and combat gender inequalities, and (b) the fulfilment of human rights, especially the right to food and the right to water, (c) make use of innovations (technologies, institutions, processes)?   *
And are you affiliated with... *
If you are willing to be contacted in case we need any additional information about this idea, please provide your name and email address.
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