Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida's Audition Registration Form
Please complete the information below to audition for the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida. The Membership team will contact you after the form is submitted.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip/Postal Code *
Phone number (No punctuation: i.e. 9542226565) *
Tell us which audition date you plan to attend. *
Not required, but have you sung with a choir before? Other talents?
What is your vocal range? *
The Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with varying abilities, who require it to participate. Do you need to request accommodation? (Answering this question is not required)
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How did you hear about us? *
Please describe your singing experience, i.e. choruses, parts sung, solos, type of music performed, etc.  If you are an actor or dancer, please describe below. *
Please rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 on your music reading ability. (1 being a newbie and 5 being a scholar)
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Have you ever been to a performance of the GMCSF? *
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