Adoption Application
Interested in Adopting from Salty Animal Rescue? Fill out this form!
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First and Last Name *
Age (you must be 21+) *
Current Address *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Facebook/Instagram *
What do you do for a living? *
Name of the animal(s) your are applying for *
What are your hours typically like? *
How did you hear about us?
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What are your living arrangements? *
Do you own or rent? *
Landlords first/last name and phone number
Is your backyard fenced? *
Who all lives in your household? Please include your relationship with each person and their age. *
Do all members of your family agree on adopting? *
If you and your partner were to separate, who would have responsibility of the animal?
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Are you currently applying at another rescue? If so how far are you into the process?
If something were to happen to you or you became extremely ill what would happen to the animal?
What type of animal are you applying for? *
When will you be ready for your new pet? *
Who will have the main responsibility of caring for the animal? *
If you ever went on vacation where will the animal stay?
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How many times a year do travel, where the animal would not be able to come?
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Have you ever been convicted of, or charged with any crimes that involved an animal *
If yes please explain
Why do you want to adopt from Salty Animal Rescue? *
How long have you been actively looking to add an animal to your home?
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Have you adopted an animal from a rescue before? If so from where?
Adopting an animal is not something that should not be taken lightly. Why do you feel you can commit to such a big responsibility at this time?
What would I like my pet for? *
Please share any requests or requirements you have when it comes to with your potential new pet (certain breed, size, age, must be kid friendly, must be cat friendly etc.). *
Explain what type of personality you feel would be a good fit for your family? *
Where do you plan on having your pet stay during the day while you are at work or away from the home? Be as specific as possible in regards to the type of animal you are applying for.
Are there any behaviours you feel you absolutely cannot work with (Ex. Vocal, pulls on leash, excitable, mouthing etc). *
How many hours at a time will your pet spend alone? *
Where will your pet be during the night?
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What is your opinion on crate training? (for dogs only)
Please tell us how you plan on creating a safe environment for both the animal and any children they may interact with. *
Do any members of your family have allergies to animals? *
How social are you outside of work?
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Do you currently have any pets in your household? *
If so, what are their age, breed, gender? *
Are they spayed or neutered? *
Are they currently up to date on vaccinations *
Are your current, and/or were your previous animals on yearly flea and tick and heartworm prevention *
Tell us about your current pets. Are they.. *
Have you owned animals in the past? If so what was there breed, age and gender?
We know it is difficult question but can you tell us when and how they passed?
Were they spayed or neutered?
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What vet clinic do you take your current animals to, and/or did you take your previous animals to? What is their phone number? (if you used more than one vet please include them) *
How often do you plan to take your pet to the vet? *
Have your ever surrendered or rehomed an animal?
Has any animal you have owned had any behavioual issues? if so what were they and what did you do about it? *
Have you ever bred your pets? *
What is the size of dog you are looking for, and are able to handle? *
Who will be responsible for walking the dog/puppy? *
How much exercise can you provide the dog with daily?
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How do you plan on correcting of discipling your potential pet? *
It is very rare for any animal to come perfectly behaved or trained. Especially when they come from bad situations and are transitioning into their new home. Some examples of certain behaviours you may experience with your new family member are; barking, leash pulling, troubles with potty training, chewing, separation anxiety, mouthing, jumping etc. Are you prepared for the adjustment period while the animal gets used to your home? *
Please indicate your experience with animals *
Do you plan on taking your dog to training classes?
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How much money would you be willing to spend on the dog for training? *
Do you have a problem adopting an animal that is not fully potty trained? *
If you ever move will you ensure your pet will come with you? *
Would there ever be a reason you would return or rehome an animal? Explain. *
Your vet recommends a surgery that could guarantee a better quality of life for your animal, or the animal would you need to be put down. The surgery will costs thousands of dollars. What would you do? Please explain *
Do you plan on getting pet insurance?
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Have you done much research in terms of how much a new animal will cost you yearly? *
Do you have a budget when it comes to your animal
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Are you opposed to a home check?
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Are you opposed to us contacting your current and/or previous vet clinic to conduct a vet check? *
Please provide two references. Include their names and phone numbers (Please do not use family).
I understand that any misrepresentation of the above information authorizes Salty Animal Rescue to deny any application, and/or reclaim the animal that has been adopted, if an adoption takes place. I acknowledge that Salty Animal Rescue is not responsible for any health issues the animal may have or develop. I understand the rescue is not responsible for any destruction to property, behavioural issues including aggression, or any injuries/loss caused by the animal. I understand once the animal has been adopted by me, I will not hold Salty Animal responsible, nor seek any compensation for damages, medical fees or other liabilities incurred by the animal. *
Once you have submitted your application, we will do our best to review it as soon as possible. Please be patient as there are only 2 of us who run the rescue and we are strictly volunteers! If we believe you may be the right fit for the animal applied for, we will contact you through email or phone within 10 days. If you have applied for an animal that is not currently available, we will keep your application on file and contact you when/if they become available. There are many varying factors that contribute to us not being able to guarantee the animal you are applying for is available for you to adopt. Our goal is to find each animal their very best fit for their future family!  *
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